Which framework should I use? How to build UIs? How do things work under the hood? These are the types of questions that I’ve answered during the series of articles about Flutter and React Native. Some time ago I started learning Flutter for fun reasons and at the same time, I (had to) started learning React Native for work reasons. While learning and using them, I started to see some differences and some common concepts between them....
Flutter or React Native, a cross-platform dilemma - Serie wrap-up
Flutter or React Native, a cross-platform dilemma - How to chose + Bonus - (Part 4)
Welcome to the fourth and last part of this article series about React Native and Flutter. In the first episode, we have introduced the two frameworks with some history and with a comparison between the languages that they use. In the second episode, we have talked about User Interfaces and how to build them. In the third episode, we went deeper under the hood to understand how things work. And now it’s time to wrap things up by trying to understand how to choose the right framework for you....
Flutter or React Native, a cross-platform dilemma - How they work - (Part 3)
Welcome to the third part of this article series about React Native and Flutter. In the latest episode, we have talked about User Interfaces and how to build them in the two frameworks. In this article, we’ll go deeper under the hoods to understand how things work. But I will not go deeper with lot’s of details and implementation things, because I want to make you understand how the thing works at a high level....
Flutter or React Native, a cross-platform dilemma - How to build User Interfaces - (Part 2)
Welcome to the second part of this comparison about React Native and Flutter. In the first episode, we have introduced the two frameworks with some history and with a comparison between the languages that these two frameworks use. If you have lost the first episode, I suggest you read it before moving on. Flutter or React Native, a cross-platform dilemma - Introduction - (Part 1) In this article, I will explain how to build user interfaces in React Native and Flutter....
Flutter or React Native, a cross-platform dilemma - Introduction - (Part 1)
These days you have certainly heard about cross-platform mobile development, in particular about the “senior” React Native and the “freshman” Flutter. Today, I want to start a series of articles to understand the two frameworks. In particular, I want to describe their differences, their weaknesses, their strength… so, all you need to know to help your choice. In this article, I want to introduce the two frameworks with a historical overview and an analysis of the languages that they use....
How I take note at conferences
Today I want to share my setup of note-taking that I use during conferences. Unfortunately, I’m not the guy able to take the beautiful, colorful sketchnotes that you can see on Twitter. That’s because I have never been able to draw, put colors and do manual graphics stuff in an orderly manner. My notes on paper would be colorless and cryptic. Moreover, I like the idea to have in one place, all the information regarding the talk that I watched, for example, link to the slides, photo, video, etc....
How to publish and distribute your Android library
Update - February 2021 As you may have heard, JCenter is shutting down in May 2021. Into the Sunset on May 1st: Bintray, JCenter, GoCenter, and ChartCenter https://jfrog.com/blog/into-the-sunset-bintray-jcenter-gocenter-and-chartcenter/ So, this tutorial is no longer recommended because it explains how to publish an Android library to JCenter. I suggested you follow this guide written by Márton Braun. Publishing Android libraries to MavenCentral in 2021 https://getstream.io/blog/publishing-libraries-to-mavencentral-2021/ If you have already published a library on JCenter and you want to migrate the old artifacts to MavenCentral, you can follow the guide that I’ve written:...
Bottom App Bar with Menu and Swipeable Tabs in Flutter
The recent revamp of the Material Design has introduced new beautiful items, for example, the Bottom App Bar. Image from Material Design Guidelines With Flutter is super easy to implement like shown in the official documentation. However, for me, the tricky part is to combine it with swipeable tabs so, in this article, I’ll explain all the steps that I’ve followed to obtain it. Here’s a spoiler of the final result:...
A journey from Async Task to Kotlin Coroutines
Photo by felipe lopez on Unsplash Some weeks ago I released a new version of the RSS Parser Library and I talked about the update in a blog post. RSS Parser 2.0: bye bye Async Task, welcome Coroutines This update brought a huge change in the infrastructure of the library. SPOILER: Kotlin and coroutines. Today, in this post I want to talk about the transition process and all the decisions that I have made to develop this new version....
RSS Parser 2.0: bye bye Async Task, welcome Coroutines
Finally, I found some time to sit down and work on my library RSS Parser. Before starting to describe all the cool stuff that I’ve introduced with this update, I want to thank you all for the support. In fact this year, the library exceeded 100 stars on Github, that seems a little goal but it means a lot to me. I wrote this library back in 2016 and now in 2018, the code was “ugly” compared to all the coolest stuff provided by Kotlin....
New update for RSS Parser: featured image
Today I’ve released a new version of the Android library RSS-Parser This library allows you to easily download an (or multiple) RSS Feed in order to display it in your application. If you don’t know RSS-Parser, you can give a look to the blog post dedicated to it. In that post I’ll give also some tip about the library usage. Thanks to the issues and the suggestions provided by the community, I’ve improved the parsing of the feature image of the article....
How to install Wordpress on Arch Linux
Every time I’ve tried to install Wordpress on Arch Linux it was a tragedy. Sometimes a configuration was missing, sometimes stuff not well known was broken and I never found an updated and complete guide. So here you are! In all the following commands I’ve omitted “sudo”. Please use it when it is necessary. Before starting make you sure that all the packages are updated. pacman -Syu Install Apache First of all, you need to install and configure Apache, the web server....